Thursday, 3 December 2009

Nagoya University


Nagoya University, since its foundation in 1939 as one of seven imperial universities, has developed as one of the nation’s leading universities. As a result of having established our basic philosophy in teaching and research, we have created a unique system of education and research, achieved a high level of research results, and played a significant role in fostering many of Japan’s current and future leaders. This success is attributed to the liberal and vivid character created in Nagoya University as the latest-established imperial university where education and research are free from traditional rigid thoughts.

Regarding exchange with overseas research institutions, Nagoya University endeavors to actively promote international academic exchange on the basis of academic exchange agreements that have been concluded with over 190 institutions of higher education. At present we have approximately 1200 international students and a large number of international researchers. We are proud that we are able to provide them with an excellent environment of education and research


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