Sunday 29 November 2009

Hong Kong University of Science And Technology


Hong Kong University of Science and Technology admitted its first students in October 1991. The University is housed in a hillside and waterfront complex overlooking Port Shelter on the Clear Water Bay peninsula, less than 30 minutes' driving time from central Hong Kong.

The idea for HKUST was conceived by two leaders with clear vision and strong wills: Dr the Hon Sze-Yuen Chung, and the then Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Edward Youde.

In the fast-changing economic world of the 1980s, both men realized Hong Kong's urgent need for a university that could propel it towards a knowledge- based economy, and provide the entrepreneurs and innovative ideas; the scientists and groundbreaking research; the engineers, global business managers and other leaders necessary. Their goal was simple - create, don't replicate.

Now it has more than 8000 students and about 400 faculties.


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