Sunday 29 November 2009

University of SYDNEY

Sydney's research-led teaching provides education in its broadest sense, where the University's 30,000 undergraduates are challenged to absorb and transform knowledge into unique new insights and breakthroughs. Studying alongside top researchers, and in some cases contributing to their research, exposes Sydney students to excellence - and challenges them to excel as leaders in whatever career field they choose.

Sydney's provision of world-class teaching and research is bolstered by the contribution of international students, who make up around one-fifth of the student body. Students from 134 countries fill the University's campuses.

All students benefit from the lively campus life, close to the centre of the city of Sydney and surrounded by some of its most cosmopolitan suburbs. Life at the University of Sydney is about much more than study - it's about developing the whole person, inside and outside the classroom.

Sydney student life is vibrant, active and dynamic. There is something for everyone to get involved in. The University's clubs and societies have a long tradition of enriching student life and providing a springboard for future careers. Sydney's debaters rank among the best in the world, while the student union is home to more than 200 clubs and societies, ranging from Alchemy to Zen. Sporting clubs provide opportunities for all, from casual fitness enthusiasts to athletes targeting the next Olympic games.

When students need help, there are many avenues to turn to, from student-led groups to University-provided support services that give advice on careers, accommodation, welfare, learning skills and much more. Independent student advocacy groups support students in their interaction with the University and beyond, and meaningful student representation on University decision-making bodies is actively encouraged.

Three-quarters of students study on the adjoining Camperdown and Darlington campuses, close to the centre of Sydney and major transport connections. These central campuses blend neo-gothic sandstone heritage gargoyles and courtyards with contemporary, well-equipped teaching, learning and research facilities, sports grounds and facilities, cafes and bars, and libraries, museums, and art galleries.

The central campuses house most of the University's faculties, with campuses for music, visual arts, nursing and dentistry students close by. Veterinary and agriculture students benefit from extensive farms and research units located about 65km outside Sydney, as well as more central teaching space. The Faculty of Health Sciences has its own dedicated campus with spacious grounds and modern facilities a 20-minute train ride from the centre of Sydney.

For more information on Undergraduate study at the University of Sydney, vist our website at:


  • Division of Community Engagement
  • Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Faculty of Education and Social Work
  • Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies
  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Veterinary Science
  • International Office
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor
  • Strategic Planning Office
  • Sydney College of the Arts
  • Sydney Conservatorium of Music

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